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Relavent studies at California State University Fullerton


COMM 233 Mass Comm Modern Society

Internet, newspapers, magazines, film, radio and television; their significance as social instruments and economic entities in modern society.

COMM 300 Visual Communication

Social and cultural analysis of the meaning, production and consumption of visual information in a modern media society. Still, moving, television, graphic design, cartoon and computer images will be analyzed in terms of technical, commercial and cultural considerations. Must earn a "C" or better to pass the course. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

COMM 317 Digital Foundations 

Convergence of the basic principles and practices of digital photography, digital imaging, graphic design and web page production for creative visual problem solving. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

COMM 350 Principles of Advertising

Functions, strategies, ethics, technology and media relevant to the advertising industry, as well as concepts in international, intercultural and integrated marketing communication.

COMM 351 Writing for Adv Industry

Develop written communications and critical thinking skills essential for success in all advertisingrelated careers. Compose persuasive letters, reports, proposals and news releases. Grammar and language skills.

COMM 352 Advertising Media

Plan, execute and control advertising media programs. Basic data and characteristics of the media. Buying and selling process, techniques and methods in media planning process. Audience measurement and media analysis.

COMM 353 Advertising Creative Strategy and Execution I 

write copy and lay out advertisements, based on study of sales appeals, attention factors and illustrations

COMM 453 Advertising Creative Strategy and Execution II

Advertising projects involving application and execution of creative advertising strategies for mass media, including theory and practice of writing copy, and preparing comprehensive layouts and completed scripts. Group discussions, labs and individual conferences.

COMM 407 Communications Law

Anglo-American concept of freedom of speech and press; statutes and administrative regulations affecting freedom of information and publishing, advertising and telecommunication. Libel and slander, rights in news and advertising, contempt, copyright and invasion of privacy. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

COMM 410 Principles of Communication Research 

Research methods used to assess the effects of print, broadcast and film communications on audience attitudes, opinions, knowledge and behavior. Research design and data analysis in communications research. One or more sections may be offered in any online format.

COMM 451B Capstone - Advertising Campaigns

Make a campaign, build a brand and Plan Book

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